Where To Go From Here

Friday, February 1, 2013

Resident Evil (Game) - Reboot In The Works?

Dread Central brings us the following:
Many fans were outraged at the storyline and gameplay of Resident Evil 6 and many voiced their thoughts to Capcom. Capcom is now taking into consideration that the franchise may in fact need to return to its roots or get a brand-new reboot altogether.
Capcom’s Masachika Kawata stated, "I think that it’s important for us to have users’ needs in mind when making the games. At the same time I think what a lot of what people want now is to have Chris and Jill in a game, or they want it to look like Resident Evil used to look like. That’s what makes the game work for them. We should be able to start from scratch and reboot it. It would still be Resident Evil. We wouldn’t lose the essential nature of what makes it a good game just by changing the characters."

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