Where To Go From Here

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ray's The Dead (Game) - Kickstarter Campaign

To help get this project off the ground, please consider donating to them and click here.
Ray’s the Dead is a game about Ray, a reluctantly resurrected zombie who, along with his swarm of zombie underlings, raises hell through unassuming suburban America during the last hurrah of the 1980’s.
Along the way you’ll discover who Ray really is, how he ended up dead, and most curiously, what is this giant light bulb contraption sticking out of his head! You’ll make fantastically freaky new friends as you build a diverse zombie army while you guide Ray through an adventure unlike any you’ve experienced before! This is a zombie game with real brraaains and heart.
Ray's the Dead will release on PC, Mac, and Linux at the end of 2013.

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